Thursday, May 29, 2014


For Summer this year my family is doing Xtramath which is flash cards online. Here is the link is you want it it is for all ages and my mom sometimes does it. It is also teaches Subtraction, Addition ,
 Multiplation,and Divison. You do have to accomplish the  level before you can move on to the next one.
There is a teacher that stays with you during your about 9 minute lesson. Just another reminder all it is, is a
lesson that helps you drill your math facts. It really helpt and we hope it helps yours to.

Monday, May 12, 2014

Family, Habitat,and Food in a Dolphin life

Dolphins, who live in the ocean, are astonishing and amazing creatures. They are mammals even though they live under water. Around the world there are 30 different species of dolphins. To know more about them we study about their family, habitat, and food.

Not only are they friendly with each other, dolphins take care of their pod, or family. Dolphins only have one calf, or baby, at a time and that same calf stays with its pod for six years or more. When the calf turns two the parents teach it to survive by hunting. There can be 2 to 15 dolphins in a pod, who use clicks and whistles, to communicate. In the deep ocean , the dolphin family takes care of each other.

Dolphins, who like living in warm waters, are most often found near the equator. They also like to live in the open ocean, and in the warm shallow coastal waters. So they are often spotted on the Virginia and the Carolina coasts during the summer. They like to live in salty waters because that is where most of their food is found.

Dolphins, who can weigh up to 100 to 1,000 pounds, consume many varieties of animals found under the sea. Their favorite food is mackerel which is a small fish. Dolphins will also devour squid and crabs but mackerel is still their favorite.

When watching a pod of dolphins feeding and playing off the coast, we see how majestic these animals are. Learning more about their family, habitat, and food helps us to see that dolphins are amazing creatures.